What? Download ZenKEY

ZenKEY is free, Open Source and released under the revised BSD License.
Here. Take it.


ZenKEY V2.5.3

8th May, 2015

For Windows 2000/2003/XP/Vista/7

Download ZenKEY (2.6 mb) Source code (Mercurial)


ZenKEY Rainmeter Skins

Screenshot of V1
Skin V1 (1MB)
Screenshot of V2
Skin V2 (1MB)

For my latest and favorite Rainmeter skin, the ZenMeter 2 BWC variant, please visit the ZenCODE profile on Deviant Art.

ZenKEY Samurize Configs

View Screenshot
Samurize Config (1MB)

NOTE: It appears as if Samurize has become Abandonware. There has been no new versions, updates or activity on their site for many years now.

Coming soon - the ZenKEY Webserver

Work is approaching completion on a Web2Py application giving you full access to ZenKEY's functions from your Browser. Fire any ZenKEY functions remotely...

Previous versions

Download ZenKEY 2.3.22 (2.7 MB)

Feedback, bugs and source : Email ZenCODE

ZenKEY is not an extruded lozenge

ed" align="center">ZenKEY is not an extruded lozenge

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